Sunday, January 20, 2013

"Besides, B-Sides are Better" Ep 1 replay

Besides, B-sides Are Better episodes #1 - "B Sides that Start With B"

This show looks at B-sides of 12" & 7" singles, this first episode featuring song names that start with the letter B.

It was broadcast live on Spreaker on today & although I had set up a seperate "show" for this series for some as yet unknown reason Spreaker sent it out via my other "show" Everything Extra!, which was kind of annoying ( and threw me a bit ).

The show featured The Pastels, Holiday Crowd, Equal Local, The Windmills, Coach Station Reunion, Lush, The Triffids, The Gobs, Celestial, Fear Of Men, Manhattan Love Suicides, Jasmine Minks, Close Lobsters, Orange Juice, Rumeblefish, Even as We Speak among many others

Anyhow a replay is available -

or listen via here if  you so desire.....

correction to an announcement : 

Sea Lions are from the US ( not the UK ) and the label was Yay! not Maria ( that was one on the other bands on the label ) ( doh !! )

As I keep pointing out it's real "bedroom radio" - you have been warned :)

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